
22 Reasons Why You Need Automated Texting in 2022

Automating repetitive tasks in your daily workflow allows you to focus more on the things people actually enjoy doing - like creating partnerships, closing deals, servicing your customers and exploring new ways to grow. Using automated texting to complete those sales and marketing tasks opens up all new possibilities that will give you a competitive edge.

What is automated texting?

Like the name suggests, automated texts are SMS messages that are triggered or scheduled to send on their own. The most common kind of SMS marketing messages that use automated texting are one-way alerts (coupons, appointment reminders, confirmations, etc) where the business sends a message, typically containing a link or other CTA outside of the conversation, and the user cannot text back.

What is automated two-way texting?

Mav enables business to have automated two-way texting conversations with leads and customers. Instead of static alerts, links and spam, the recipient can interact, text back and complete tasks. This is a much better experience for the user, and much more valuable for the business.

Why should your business text?

Everyone Uses It

  • 97% of Americans text every day (1)

  • The average person responds to a text in 90 seconds (2)

  • Texting is the #1 reported use on smartphones (3)

Your Prospects and Leads Prefer It

  • 9 out of 10 customers prefer to communicate with businesses via text (3)

  • 90% of business leads would rather receive a text message than a phone call (4)

  • 85% of customers prefer receiving text messages from a business over a phone call or email (5)

  • 64% of consumers think companies who text value their time, are progressive and would recommend them to others (6)

The Response Rates are Better

  • 98% of SMS messages are opened, compared to 15% of emails (7)

  • SMS messages have a 209% higher response rate than phone calls (8)

  • 95% of texts from businesses are read within 3 minutes of being sent (9)

  • Only 4.8% of voicemails are responded to, and it takes an average of 8 follow up calls to even reach a prospect (but 44% give up after one follow up) (10)

The Conversions are Higher

  • Texting a prospect after initial contact can increase conversion rates by 112.6% (11)

  • Sending three or more follow up text messages can increase conversions by 328% (12)

You're Missing Out

  • 58% of consumers said they’ve tried to reply to a missed call via text (13)

  • 61% of mobile marketers don’t use SMS marketing (14)

  • 85% of consumers want to be able engage in text conversations with a business - not just receive information (15)

There's Big Opportunities in Automated Texting 

  • Automated text marketing messages have a 32% conversion rate (compared to 3% of marketing emails) (16)

  • 50% of consumers who receive branded SMS texts go on to make a purchase (17)

  • A follow up campaign for Formula 1 saw a 680% ROI from a single message (18)

  • 65% of marketers report automated texting as very effective (19)

  • 80% of people haven't received an automated text from a business (20)

  • 78% of people wish they could have a text conversation with businesses (21)

  • 75% of customers reported being frustrated when they couldn't reply to a business' text because of technology limitations (22)

How can businesses benefit from automated texting?

Stats aside, sales and marketing professionals can get a serious edge by creating an SMS sales and marketing strategy in 2022.

By using automated two-way texting you can....

  • Have a digital assistant qualify your leads via text, so you only spend time closing ready leads

  • Automatically nurture leads who have missed appointments via text and find the best time for you to speak again

  • Send timely text follow ups to cold leads to find out if they're still interested

  • Stop getting ghosted 👻 and finally find out if they're still interested

Automated texting and text marketing campaigns turn manual tasks like qualifying, quoting and following up with leads into automated, two-way text conversations. Automating your repetitive sales and marketing activities is a no brainer. Using automated texting to have two-way conversations, activate prospects and convert leads is a game changer 💪

Sources: 1. CTIA 2. GSMA 3. Axway, MarketingCharts 4. SMS Comparison 5. Franchise Help 6. AT&T Research 7. Marketing Profs 8. SMS Comparison  9. Emarsys  10. Close  11. Forbes 12. CrazyEgg 13. Zipwhip 14. Gartner 15. Twilio 16 & 17. Adobe 18. Silverstone 19 & 20. Digital Marketing Magazine 21.Text Request 22. Finances Online

Hillary Black

Hillary Black

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